
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Some good ways to "read" people.

Looking to get quick insight into someone?  What they read can tell you a lot.  But another trick: how they read.  Give this person a newspaper or magazine and see how they flip through it.   

If they:

1.   Read from front to back

Organized. On top of things.  They probably know a thing or two about about finances and planning -- even if they don't actively manage either.  They know whats up.  They are usually on time, and are good with money. 

2.  Jump straight to the same section: sports | entertainment | food 

Creature of habit.  They shop at the same stores, and like to buy the same brand.  This discount shopper will continue hunting for bargains well after their blockbuster IPO.  Similarly don't expect them to skip their Friday night Steak if they run into financial hardship.

3.  Flip randomly, read what catches their attention

Carefree.  Doesn't care much about what other people think.  Spontaneous and good with meeting new people.  They keep their cool and can be counted on to plan and host a last minute party.  

4.  Only read the front page & top stories

Busy.  On the go and running fast.  They want to get "what is important" and move on quickly.  Always looking for a sound bite they can use in the elevator.  Tight with their time and money, careful to spend it where they deem most beneficial.  

5.  Read from back to front

Doesn't want to miss a thing.  Impatient and creative.  They forge their own path and are probably wary of authority.  Good at seeing ahead and sizing people up.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Some mind-blowing facts about WhatsApp.

There is a versatile emoji which most of the people call poop (poo) emoji.
Some examples:

This one is epic..

What if I say that everything you thought about it was a lie..
Because there’s a startling theory that it may not be a poo at all : THAT IT IS ACTUALLY CHOCOLATE ICE-CREAM!!
Los Angeles based writer and editor Peter Miller made the discovery when he was photoshopping the poo onto the cone for a joke.
He got to know that...

this turns out to be..

And now you have seen it, you can’t unsee it. And it kind of makes sense. WHY was the poo emoji so happy all the time? Why was the poo so perfectly formed? What is there to smile about when you are a poo?
Only two words for those who were unaware of this fact..
source: Google

Some effective ways to reduce tummy fat.

These are a few changes that to ensure that you don't gain weight :
  • Ditch the morning tea or coffee and substitute it with honey and lemon in warm water.
  • If it is possible walk to your workplace.
  • If you can't walk, don't take elevator to your floor. Use stairs instead.
  • Have a light lunch. Carry your own tiffin from home so you don't eat junk.
  • Most of us stay late in office and love to eat evening snacks with the team and feel guilty over the extra pizza slice. Say no to those snacks and instead have fresh juice or fruits.
  • Replace coffee with green tea.
  • Walk after lunch. Listen to your favourite music while walking. It's a great stress buster.
This will surely help you to control weight. :)

Best health tips for men in the 24 - 30 age group.

  1. Drink lots of water, daily. 7-8 glasses of water/day.
  2. Lift weights. Even if you don't want to bulk up. Lift weights. This will help with mental strength as well.
  3. Eat whole foods. Preferably organic but at the very least, whole foods. Ensure your meat is pasture-raised.
  4. Sleep 7-8 hours a day.
  5. Do yoga. Stretch your body out to make it nimble. This will help preserve your body.
  6. Learn how to properly walk and run. Yes, this is a thing and most people do it incorrectly.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Become an interesting person in real life.

  • Do not wash your linen in public. It is a huge turn-off.
  • Do not cross line in any relationship. Your respect is in your hands.
  • Do not open up too much with anyone. You certainly lose your charm. Keep a certain mystery element that draws them to you.
  • Talk about good and positive things. Do not bitch. Your positivism and enthusiasm is certainly going to attract people to you.
  • Talk and walk confidently. Be engaging. Everyone would want to listen to you.
  • Be good at what you do, or at least be good in one thing that can help you start a great conversation. Be knowledgeable.
  • Do not crib or complain or give excuses. These are the things every other person will do. Try to stand out from the crowd.
  • Presence of mind and a great sense of humour is another feather on your cap.
  • Wear a smile! For the whole world stops and stares awhile.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Some interesting facts about humans that few people know?

Don't get persuaded by the nature just because its beautiful, there are many reasons to adore the nature. Nature is intelligent, is one such fact. I am providing here, some of the analogies between humans and vegetables depicting the brilliance of the creation. There are enough resources in our nature to live through. These vegetables can be used to mitigate problems concerning the body part associated with it.
  • Carrots - Eyes
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. According to science, eating carrots greatly enhances blood flow to the eyes. Carrot gets their orange color from a plant chemical called beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The chemical also protects against macular degeneration an age related sight problem that affects one in four individuals over the age of 65.
  • Ginger - Stomach                                                 
Ginger looks like the stomach, it is known that it relieves stomach aches and bloating. It contains special enzymes that are responsible for the catalysis of the protein in the food, and so as to aid digestion and prevent spasms, prevents the formation of ulcers, gastric mucosal damage, and is used for the treatment of gastric diseases such as dyspepsia, colic and diarrhea.
  • Tomatoes - Heart                                                   
Tomato has four chambers and is red in color, so also the heart is red and has four chambers. Research has confirmed that tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and it is indeed pure heart and blood food.
  • Walnuts - Brain                                                    
Walnut core resembles the brain, it has a left and right hemisphere, and even wrinkles resemble the ones of the brain. Today we know that walnuts create neural transmitters of the brain function.
  • Celery - Bones                                            
Celery is a delicious food. One of my favorite snacks is celery in some hummus. It turns out, they’re good for your bones too. Celery is a great source of silicon, which is part of the molecular structure that gives bones their strength.
  • Grapes - Lungs                                                  
Grapes resemble the alveoli of our lungs (the place where gas exchange takes place). Grapes contain a special compound called resveratrol that helps reduce your risk of lung cancer and emphysema. One study found resveratrol to inhibit cancer cell growth (apoptosis) in 3 lung cancer cell lines by up to 50%! Be sure to consume organic grapes, though, because conventional grapes contain a high pesticide residue content.
  • Avocados - Uterus                                               
Also known as “the fruit of the womb,” the avocado is great for improving the health of the womb and cervix of the female. Eating just one avocado a week can help women balance their birth hormones and shed unwanted birth weight by helping satisfy hunger. Avocados are also good for helping prevent cervical cancer.
  • Sweet Potatoes - Pancreas                                          
The shape of the pancreas and sweet potatoes are very similar. Take a look and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Sweet potatoes help balance the glycemic index of diabetics and are good for those suffering from pancreatitis. They provide protection from developing pancreatic cancer later in life, a hidden health concern for some men.
  • Kidney beans - Kidney                                             
Kidney beans are named after the organ itself, mainly because they look like the bean around? Kidney beans are packed with potassium and magnesium, which when we become deficient, can increase our risk of developing kidney stones.
  • Grapefruits, Oranges - Mammary Glands                             
Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. The similarity between round citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruit and breasts may be more than coincidental. Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells.
I Had read about this long ago, so I thought I will write about this. Found this amazing website loaded with facts. It should be a good read.

Coolest inventions ever made.

Innovative people are working overtime to make our life simpler and each year brings us something new.
Below are 22 smart new inventions that are fresh and upcoming..
1. Traffic lights with countdown indicators!
2. A pen that lets you scan and write in any color.
  3. Wall outlets with USB chargers.
4. And the ultimate outlet would also have extension cords built into the wall
5. Small tiles you can attach to your keys, wallet, computer, or pretty much anything. If you lose anything, you can then look up their location on your Smartphone
6. Fresh pizza vending machines
7. Benches that you can turn to always have a dry seat
8. Power strips that you can expand and rotate
9. Mug that catches any drips
10. Parking garages with lights showing open spaces
11. Stairs with slides
12. Back pack with hood -- where was this when I was in school?
13. Device that charges your phone from hot or cold drinks.
14. Or this solar powered charger.
15. Water fountains with built-in water bottle filling station.
16. Subways where you can pay by recycling.
17. A hair brush that is easy to clean
18. Ear buds that won’t tangle.
19. USB rechargeable batteries.
20. Packing tape that is easy to open.
21. Bike racks that don’t take up sidewalk space.
22. Movie theater screens in the bathroom so you don’t miss anything.