Don't get persuaded by the nature just because its beautiful, there are many reasons to adore the nature. Nature is intelligent, is one such fact. I am providing here, some of the analogies between humans and vegetables depicting the brilliance of the creation. There are enough resources in our nature to live through. These vegetables can be used to mitigate problems concerning the body part associated with it.
- Carrots - Eyes
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. According to science, eating carrots greatly enhances blood flow to the eyes. Carrot gets their orange color from a plant chemical called beta-carotene, which reduces the risk of developing cataracts. The chemical also protects against macular degeneration an age related sight problem that affects one in four individuals over the age of 65.
- Ginger - Stomach
Ginger looks like the stomach, it is known that it relieves stomach aches and bloating. It contains special enzymes that are responsible for the catalysis of the protein in the food, and so as to aid digestion and prevent spasms, prevents the formation of ulcers, gastric mucosal damage, and is used for the treatment of gastric diseases such as dyspepsia, colic and diarrhea.
- Tomatoes - Heart
Tomato has four chambers and is red in color, so also the heart is red and has four chambers. Research has confirmed that tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and it is indeed pure heart and blood food.
- Walnuts - Brain
Walnut core resembles the brain, it has a left and right hemisphere, and even wrinkles resemble the ones of the brain. Today we know that walnuts create neural transmitters of the brain function.
- Celery - Bones
Celery is a delicious food. One of my favorite snacks is celery in some hummus. It turns out, they’re good for your bones too. Celery is a great source of silicon, which is part of the molecular structure that gives bones their strength.
- Grapes - Lungs
Grapes resemble the alveoli of our lungs (the place where gas exchange takes place). Grapes contain a special compound called resveratrol that helps reduce your risk of lung cancer and emphysema. One study found resveratrol to inhibit cancer cell growth (apoptosis) in 3 lung cancer cell lines by up to 50%! Be sure to consume organic grapes, though, because conventional grapes contain a high pesticide residue content.
- Avocados - Uterus
Also known as “the fruit of the womb,” the avocado is great for improving the health of the womb and cervix of the female. Eating just one avocado a week can help women balance their birth hormones and shed unwanted birth weight by helping satisfy hunger. Avocados are also good for helping prevent cervical cancer.
- Sweet Potatoes - Pancreas
The shape of the pancreas and sweet potatoes are very similar. Take a look and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Sweet potatoes help balance the glycemic index of diabetics and are good for those suffering from pancreatitis. They provide protection from developing pancreatic cancer later in life, a hidden health concern for some men.
- Kidney beans - Kidney
Kidney beans are named after the organ itself, mainly because they look like the bean around? Kidney beans are packed with potassium and magnesium, which when we become deficient, can increase our risk of developing kidney stones.
- Grapefruits, Oranges - Mammary Glands
Grapefruits, Oranges, and other citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. The similarity between round citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruit and breasts may be more than coincidental. Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells.
I Had read about this long ago, so I thought I will write about this. Found this amazing website loaded with facts. It should be a good read.
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